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Who you are can have a direct impact on your automobile insurance rates more than you may know.   #1 Credit Score             In some states insurance rates are influenced by a driver’s credit score. Studies have shown that there is a strong correlation between people with poor credit scores and...

Today is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and a man who was so influential to the US history; we thought we should take a look at some of the important things he accomplished. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born on January 15, 1929, in Atlanta, Georgia....

Is General Liability enough? That question has no one answer that I can give you right now.  Insurance is a like a snowflake everyone’s situation can turn out a little different, some situations call for different policies. If you offer a professional service or are giving...

         A restaurant is a one of a kind risk with some very unique exposures.  Aside from general liability, property insurance, business income insurance and worker’s compensation restaurants also need spoilage coverage, off premises power failure and Employment Practices Liability Insurance which are a crucial part of...